As I grow and expand my photography network, I have had the pleasure of meeting some pretty fabulous people. I thought I would take some time and introduce you to a few of them over the next couple of weeks.
First up is Picture Perfect Bowtique. I came across her shop in a few Facebook groups I belong to. I began collecting gowns as a part of my client experience a little over year ago. For the most part, the designers and shops I work with are women-owned and operated. Picture Perfect Bowtique is no different! Katie Conway is the owner and designer behind the magic of this little wonder. She is also a photographer and operates out of Ohio. Katie is an entrepreneur who is also a stay at home mom of two boys and two girls. She started this journey by just making things here and there for her children and props for her photography clients. She continues to design and hand make all of her gowns herself, a true #bossbabe! I love supporting small businesses like hers where I know my dollars are helping a hard working woman! She specializes in maternity gowns, although her gowns are so comfortable that several non-maternity clients have chosen to wear her gowns as well.
I placed my first order with Katie when I was looking for a gown that was for a very special rainbow maternity session. Rainbow sessions are for mamas who have experienced a miscarriage or infant loss so I wanted to be sure that my client felt beautiful and special. After much deliberation and who knows how many messages back and forth, I ordered her Kelly gown in red. This is where Katie really shines, she is patient and provides excellent recommendations and really helped me make sure the gown I selected was what I wanted. She also recently added a beautiful rainbow skirt to her shop for rainbow sessions. It is definitely something I have on my client closet wish list.
Kelly in red
I love the final result of this gown. The red was perfect! And according to my client, it was comfortable and easy to put on. Always a bonus!
During my first order I also was also able to create a custom gown in velvet. Katie had some gorgeous raspberry velvet that she sent a picture of as we were talking about the red gown I was ordering. I loved it! And she was so easy to work with when I asked about customizing a gown. She was able to mix and match a top from one to the bottom of another. The Lucia gown was created - I even got to pick the name! I chose “Lucia” because my sister did a report on Saint Lucia once and I remembered that she is often remembered as the bearer of light in the darkness of winter; which I thought was appropriate for a winter-inspired gown. I was so excited for both of my made-to-order gowns to arrive! She communicated with me during the whole process, sent me pictures of my completed gowns before she shipped them and also let me know that her area had just experienced a major ice storm! She made sure her hubby dropped them off at the post office once the roads were safe. Once I had it on my client, I knew I had to have another one. I ordered a second velvet Lucia in a beautiful blue color. Every client has commented how warm and comfortable these are. Which is great to have in Colorado during those beautiful winter sessions!
Lucia in raspberry velvet
Lucia in blue velvet
I am so excited to see what this partnership produces in the future. We are already talking about some custom reversible skirts that I can use for my maternity and senior sessions. If you are in the market for a gown for a special occasion, look her up! I cannot recommend her enough. And I love that I am also supporting a strong #bossbabe to boot!
If these gowns struck your fancy and you would like to add them to your selection for a session with Seen & Hurd Photography, add them to your preferences when you book a session with me.
Comment with any questions!