Moments make memories, isn’t that the understanding? I am going to reframe and say that intentional moments make memories. And sometimes we have to make some time to do that. I remember my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. It was a big celebration. My family flew to Minnesota that October and celebrated with the whole family. Someone had the idea of a large family photo session. We chose one of their favorite places, set a dress code, and made the plans. I still remember it was a cold, overcast day and we we struggling a bit as such a large group. But once we got started we walked around, reminisced and shared stories, and enjoyed the time together. Childhood pictures were recreated with my mom and her siblings and laughter was present. It has been 21 years since those photos were taken and I treasure the intentional time we made to make those memories. And the best part, we captured the essence of that day in photographs. Those prints have been shared over the years and I am so glad we have them. As time has passed and the generations have shifted, I continue to be reminded over the years how important it is to capture these moments. The generational torch has been passed, so to speak, and now my mom is the grandmother and I am a mother.
It is memories and experiences like that example that remind me that in these busy lives we lead, we do need to be intentional sometimes about making memories. And if that intentionality means hiring a photographer and setting up a photo session, I am here for it! And if it just happens that a photo session provides that, please take advantage of the time.
I had an opportunity recently with one of my lovely clients. I had a blast with her during her maternity session and her newborn session was so touching. I reached out to her when I had a custom gown made to see if she would be interested in a mommy & me session. As our date approached she asked if her mom could be included in some of the sets. Yes please! All 3 generations arrived and it was such a pleasure seeing them all together. My client as mom and daughter, her mom as mother and grandmother, and baby as daughter and granddaughter. Each bond so special.
Both women were styled using elements from the SHP Client Closet. Mom is wearing an Eternity gown in Mocha from Chicaboo with a coordinating sweater from ThredUp to add some texture. Grandmother is wearing a custom gown from Picture Perfect Bowtique with a belt.
Did they all take pictures during her visit? I am sure they did. Did they capture memories and moments? I am sure they did. But there is something about the intentionality of a professional photo session that adds that special element. And everyone got to be in the moment, no one was running around trying to capture and be included. I hope they look back on these images and remember the moments, the connection, and the time they spent together. And that over the years they recreate some of these and make new memories. I know each generation will value these images in their own special way.
And that is why I include “generations” as a moment of motherhood. Women fill so many roles within their lifetime and each role holds unique and powerful elements. To create memories in those roles is so special. I know I look back at the photos of my grandparents wedding anniversary and am able to connect with my role as granddaughter, daughter, sister, niece, and cousin.
If you are interested in a generational session, let’s chat! Feel free to contact me via website or social media. I would love to help you set aside some intentional time to make some memories with your family.
Yours behind the lens,
Sarah w/ Seen & Hurd Photography