I have a confession to make - I love to edit! Some photographers choose to outsource their editing to other editors but I actually like the process of editing. Way back when I was a teenager using a darkroom to develop film and prints, I learned out to edit using tools - the old school dodge and burn method of blocking and focusing light with timers and cardboard cutouts. And it was fun to see that little bit of magic take place. But it was a lot of trial and error, as well as time consuming. I much prefer the current ways of digital editing - to me there is still that magic taking place but much more efficiently and creatively!
For the last several years, the majority of my editing takes place in Photoshop Elements. I do use other Adobe Photoshop programs but I just prefer the set-up and tools in Elements. I have taken a few online classes but am mostly self-taught. I began with actions - which are preprogrammed files that automate all of the steps you need to take, so that you can add the effect with just a few clicks. It helps with consistency and also speeds up the editing process. Over time however I have learned to modify those action files and have moved towards more hand editing where I control the individual steps. Both are good sets of skills for a photographer to have in their arsenal.
For my basic edits - I don’t usually have to do much. It is really me bringing to life what I saw when I looked through my lens. Adding light, softening harsh lines, fixing flyaway hair, and smoothing out the gowns.
Before on the left and final edited image on the right… don’t you just love this skirt?!?!?
Before on the left and final edited image on the right… I loved this light blue gown in the snow and she was just stunning!